Practical advice

For your safety and to protect the sites, please remain on the marked paths.
Weather report
In the mountains and the gorges, the weather changes fast. Watch out for storms. Leave early to avoid intense heat.
Remember to take:
Suitable hiking boots;
At least 2 litres of water per person;
Sun protection (hat, suncream)
A map or a topo guide to find your way;
A bag in which to take your waste home with you;
A torch (absolutely necessary for the Blanc-Martel trail)
Information about bathing and access to the river
Danger! Bathing in the river Verdon apart from the lakes area can be dangerous and even fatal. Accidents occur regularly, even every year. Bathing is regulated and often prohibited.
There are many risks: the sudden variation of the water due to the dams along the river, which can lead to siphoning.
Fire Information
Fire risk is particularly high here, especially in periods of drought and heavy wind. Be careful and keep your eyes open.
Hiking and pastoralism and sharing paths….
When nearing a flock of sheep, you may meet a Patou (from the word "pastre" which means a shepherd). These impressive big dogs are excellent guard dogs. Contrary to herd dogs, they do not herd the sheep but are there to protect them from predators. If they see an intruder, they will place themselves between the intruder and the flock. Stay calm, do not shout or threaten, do not go through the flock, go round it and walk calmly and slowly. The dogs will come and sniff you, accompany you and then go back to the flock.
You are in a magnificent but fragile site, please help us protect it.

To choose and prepare your hikes
The Gorges du Verdon hiking map presents 24 trails adapted to different audiences, on sale (€4) from tourist offices, at the "Point Sublime" reception area (Rougon) and at the" Maison du Parc" (Moustiers- Sainte Marie). : Website of the hiking offer proposing several routes in the Gorges du Verdon (downloadable trail and digital application).